Has CNN Learned Anything About Debate Moderation Since 2012?

It’s been twelve years since the infamous moment when CNN’s Candy Crowley interjected herself into the presidential debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, providing a live “fact check” which was, in reality, her factually inaccurate opinion. 


The moment was embarrassing enough that debate commission co-chair Frank Fahrenkopf would later describe their selection of Crowley as a moderator as a “mistake“; she was widely criticized for both inserting herself too much into the debate and letting it get out of hand.

Well, if you thought an Obama-Romney debate could go off the rails, just wait for this week’s Joe Biden Donald Trump rematch — moderated this time around by another pair of CNN anchors, including the woman who replaced Crowley as chief political correspondent, Dana Bash. Bash and co-moderator Jake Tapper will already be equipped with advantages other moderators haven’t had, including shutting off the microphones of the president and former president in between questions. 

Ed Morrissey

I'd guess no, but I'm willing to be pleasantly surprised. Speaking of which, I'm surprised that this is still on the schedule. I genuinely expected Biden to use the conviction in Manhattan to pull out under the argument that a president shouldn't have to share a stage with a "convicted felon." Whether Hunter's conviction changed that or Team Biden is more desperate than we imagined, it seems they're willing to roll the dice. 

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