Court Docs Show Pics From Mar-A-Lago Raid Were Part of Media Stunt

The FBI purchased glossy cover sheets to use in photos of authorities’ unprecedented raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence.

On Tuesday, journalist Julie Kelly posted court documents on X showing Special Counsel Jack Smith “admitted the FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents found at MAL and took photos for evidence.”


“This confirms my report from last month that the FBI doctored evidence to produce stunt photos of classified documents at [Mar-a-Lago],” Kelly said.

Ed Morrissey

I'd say that this is evidence of politicization, but may not really touch the case much. The indictment doesn't have to rely on those photos, because it relies on whether the material was classified regardless of the cover sheets. This is potentially misconduct, but not evidence contradicting the charges. Trump insists he declassified all this material while prosecutors claim he didn't. A jury will have to work that out.

However, it's yet another reminder of how dumb it was to pursue the documents charges in the first place. If Smith had dropped those counts and prosecuted only the obstruction charge, he would have avoided most of these delays and would have had a cleaner and less political case to present to a jury. 

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