Biden Admin Finally Admits Hamas Rejected Cease-Fire Deal

The terror group “came back several weeks ago and rejected the proposal that was on the table,” US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller says during a press briefing.


“They gave us a written response that rejected the proposal put forward by Israel, that President Biden had outlined, that the United Nations Security Council and countries all around the world had endorsed — a written rejection and counter-proposal that came from Hamas.

To date, US officials had not gone as far as their Israeli counterparts in saying Hamas’s response amounted to a rejection.

Ed Morrissey

It's been exactly two weeks since Hamas rejected the offer, and it's been two weeks since everyone else reached that conclusion as well ... except the Biden administration. They wanted to protect Hamas and put more pressure on Israel for concessions to a terrorist group determined to exterminate Jews, both in Israel and everywhere else. 'Shameful' doesn't begin to cover Biden's tactics and strategy. 

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