'Take Back Title IX' Bus Rolls Into Washington

 From another encouraging tour stop on Thursday to the disheartening discovery of a vandalized bus on Friday in North Carolina, advocates to save women's sports are next in Washington, D.C.


And the Independent Women’s Forum coalition and its Our Bodies Our Sports “Take Back Title IX” Bus Tour may be resolute as ever.

Sunday marks the 52nd anniversary of President Richard Nixon signing into law Title IX, the 1972 landmark statute guaranteeing equal opportunities for women and men in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. It also kicks off National Women’s Sports Week, and the tour bus and its riders with more than 20 states already visited is in the nation's capital.

The tour stopped in Chapel Hill on Thursday evening for a rally at The Pitch. Friday, Carrboro police were investigating the messages that covered most all of the bus. “F-bombs” were prevalent, along with derogatory messages about female anatomy and the word transphobia.

Beege Welborn

I love the determination and the way this bus tour for WOMEN exposes the tolerant Left's true selves.

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