Condoleeza Rice Makes the Argument for School Choice

No one delivers a philosophical smackdown like Condoleezza Rice. And she does it with such class and logic.

One of the ongoing issues that can and will be a winning one for the right is the issue of school choice. This is something we have addressed here at Victory Girls many times in the past. From charter school options to private schools to homeschooling, parents are the only ones with the right to decide which school option works best for their child and family.


The Covid school shutdowns exposed enormous cracks in the entire education system of the United States that no one in a position of power, either at the time or now, is willing to take responsibility for. When online school proved to be unworkable for the majority of students, teachers’ unions screamed about not wanting to go back into the classroom. Randi Weingarten worked hand-in-glove with the Biden administration, and now tries to cast herself as some kind of educational champion when at best, she’s a dirty union shill. Anthony Fauci, the master of never taking responsibility for anything while demanding respect for everything, insists that he had absolutely nothing to do with schools shutting down, and don’t you dare pin that one on his clean white lab coat.

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