NYT Fangirling Over 'Queen Bee' of Bidenomics

Apparently, The New York Times hasn’t come to terms with the fact that Bidenomics is anathema to Americans, because one of its editorial board members spent over a 1,000 words celebrating the so-called “intellectual force” behind all of it.


Times editorial board member Farah Stockman swooned over “the best dinner party” she “attended all year” listening to the ramblings of President Joe Biden’s former Senior Director of International Economics for the National Security Council Jennifer Harris, whom she dubbed the “Queen Bee.” “I’d wanted to interview Ms. Harris for years,” wrote the star-struck Stockman. She lionized Harris as “the quiet intellectual force behind the Biden administration’s economic policies,” as if inflation-rattled Americans should be sending her trucks full of heavenly-scented marigolds and daffodils to thank her for the cost-of-living crisis sweeping the nation

Stockman even highlighted Harris’ eagerness to join Biden's team after the 2020 election. “‘It felt like the ‘Nerd Justice League’ was assembling,’” Harris told Stockman “‘And I had some [fear of missing out].’” Yes, Harris actually saw herself as joining Biden’s “Nerd Justice League.” The reality of Bidenomics, which Stockman glossed over, was perfectly summed up by economist Kevin Cochrane in a scathing June 16 op-ed:

Beege Welborn

They don't care if the entire rest of the country hates it.

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