FARC Using TikTok Videos to Lure Colombian School Children to Group

Dissident factions of Colombia's largest rebel movement are using TikTok to recruit young people. The BBC investigated these guerrilla "recruitment" videos, noting that these factions have yet to agree to a peace deal with the Colombian government.


Lorena, a teacher in Cauca, south-western Colombia, often sees students emulating these videos. They film themselves drawing symbols inspired by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) or dancing to revolutionary songs. She notes this behavior has become common, and students often disappear, later appearing in TikTok videos as armed fighters.

The Farc, which demobilized in 2016, has factions still active in Cauca, forming the Estado Mayor Central (EMC). The EMC is estimated to have over 3,000 members. Attempts to negotiate with these factions by President Gustavo Petro's government have failed, and they continue to recruit, especially targeting youth via social media.

Beege Welborn

They always go for the kids.

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