Aliens and Allosaurs and Elves? — Oh My!

Last week, reports surfaced of an as-yet unreleased Harvard University study on UFOs and UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). The conclusion? Extraterrestrials who are already on Earth (or perhaps our moon) who are living in stealth mode could be the pilots of these crafts.


But the paper also outlines three other possibilities, postulating other kinds of Non-Human Intelligences (NHIs):

  1. an advanced ancient human civilization, only remnants of which survive (think of the lost city of Atlantis);
  2. prehistoric, technologically savvy hominid or reptilian species, whose survivors hide in the shadows underground, or beneath the oceans (think of the Nephilim); or
  3. “cryptoterrestrials” who rely more on magic than technology, such as “fairies, elves, [or] nymphs.”

I Want to Believe … or Do I?

Like Fox Mulder, I want to believe in some or all of these things — at least theoretically. (I blame all those books I read by the likes of Robert Heinlein, Frank Herbert, and one J.R.R. Tolkien. Perhaps they made me so open-minded some of my brains fell out.)

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