'Watch Me," Joe Said and We Are

oe Biden “appears” to be having “issues” in public often lately. We notice what is going on. It was back in November of 2022 when told that voters weren’t thirsty for Joe to run for a second term, that Joe said “Watch me”. We are. Joe’s support staff want us to know we aren’t seeing what we are seeing. Our eyes are lying to us.


Joe loves the short declarative type statements like “Don’t” or “Watch me”. He thinks that he makes a statement as the leader of the free world and everyone salutes smartly and executes the action. Biden’s “Don’t” diplomacy failed as Deana wrote in “Biden Disappears After “Don’t” Diplomacy Fails And Denials Begin”. But, Biden never had to follow through with anything during his 431 year Senate career or his 80 years as Obama’s veep. It is up to us sentient Americans to follow up on his “Watch me” statement. Remember November, 2022:

President Joe Biden has a clear message for his 2024 critics, telling Americans who don’t want to see him run for a second term to “Watch me.”

Exit polls from Tuesday’s midterms show that Biden isn’t only struggling to win voters today—as his approval rating remains underwater, as 54 percent say they disapprove of the job he’s doing as president—but is headed toward what is shaping up to be a difficult reelection campaign...

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