Cuban Priests: 'The Revolution Is Over and the Government Knows It'

From our Bureau of Troublesome Priests

Every now and then, Cuba news websites publish stories about Catholic priests and Protestant clergy who dare to criticize the government. But, usually, only one such story gets coverage. Today we have the rare case of two such stories surfacing on two websites. Interestingly, both priests serve their flocks in the province of Camaguey. Both are relatively young. These two are Father Alberto Reyes, whose critiques of Castro, Inc. are frequently posted online, and Father Castor José Álvarez Devesa, who was recently featured in a Breitbart interview. Father Alberto condemns the hopelessness generated by Castro, Inc.; Father Castor rails against the harassment and persecution endured by Cuba’s clergy.


Father Alberto at Marti Noticias:

Cuban priest Alberto Reyes stated in an interview that the Cuban revolution is over and the government knows it. While the government can prevent people from protesting and taking to the streets, it cannot stop the people from longing for freedom.

Father Reyes, a fervent critic of the dictatorship, affirmed that Cubans want a change in the system, but the government does not give them the opportunity to defend their stance either politically or legally, because it holds absolute power.

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