Confirmed: Biden's Illegals Are Getting Voter Registration Forms

On Friday the New York Post revealed how illegal immigrants in this country are getting registered to vote in states all over the US because of their access to state and federal welfare benefits or driver’s licenses.


It’s very disturbing that illegals would be registered to vote, especially with the millions upon millions that Biden is letting into the country, and Republicans in the House are now trying to safeguard the voter registration process by requiring proof of citizenship in new legislation.

Here’s more from the New York Post:

Welfare offices and other agencies in 49 US states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship, leading Republicans and conservatives to call for swift federal action to stop the handouts.

Every state but Arizona — which recently passed a law barring the practice on state but not federal forms — gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship.

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