On the Frontlines of the Gender Wars

I’m a professional community organiser, and a tenant and housing activist for some 20 years. I saw the old Scottish Tenants Organisation get smashed by Jack McConnell’s government to make way for council housing privatisation, which in Glasgow created the Glasgow Housing Association.


I’ve long wanted to rebuild a national body to give housing schemes a political voice and to push to end the housing crisis. That’s why I got involved with Living Rent, organising my community to become their first branch. Little did I know that would lead to a brush with crazed gender ideology, and see Queer Theory used to try to destroy it.

On the back of my successful organising I went to work for Living Rent as a community organiser building another branch in Broomhill and working to take on Scotland’s largest landlord. I fought for justice for scheme tenants and against the metastasised spawn of the Glasgow City Council housing stock transfer, as it increasingly became a massive housing corporation, under it’s new name, Wheatley Homes Glasgow.

We met with some successes exposing their CEO’s enormous salary (more than the President of the USA or the head of the European Commission; a package that would make even rich Rishi Sunak blush) to the scheme tenants who pay for it, while he was jacking up their rents. That campaign saw “Big Martin”, as he called himself, resign.

Beege Welborn

Fascinating insight into when the socialists start eating each other.

They're always the most surprised it happened.

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