Happy Father's Day From the Billy Goat Trail

I wanted to wish all of the dads on the blog a wonderful Father’s Day. I started my own celebration before dawn on the Billy Goat trail to watch the sun go up while hiking along the river. It was glorious, as always.  I have a few pictures from this morning’s hike.


The trail was teeming with wildlife, including a wonderful owl sitting majestically on a rock and a lovely :

Coming over some boulders on the rock scramble, I came face to face with a rather large brown fox. He was a surprised to see me as I was him. After giving him a lot of room, I was able to cut back and take a snap:

The river was like glass this morning in the soft dawn light. It made for an enchanting hike:

I hope that everyone will have a relaxing Father’s Day. On my hike, I was able to think of my dad, Jack Turley, who was my best friend in this life. A day does not go by when I do not think of him and miss him. Sitting above the river at dawn, I thought of how I owe him so much in what he taught me. He was the most brilliant man I have ever known and the only man I ever truly wanted to impress. When he died, I could not imagine going forward without him. Yet, I now see so much of him in my own children and realize that people we love never truly leave us.

Beege Welborn

This is so lovely...and loving.

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