Gross: Vote Biden, Because He's 'Lived History'

Throughout our nation’s history, we’ve seen our fair share of First Ladies who have done wonderful things during their husband’s terms in office. Service has been key to those women’s time as First Lady. You might not like them, but you have to respect their dedication to their chosen causes. Laura Bush with education, Eleanor Roosevelt with social causes, Melania Trump advocating for children, Barbara Bush with volunteerism stand out. Even Rosalynn Carter who championed, among other things, mental health assistance for those who needed it. Then we have “Dr. Jill”, whose main goal seems to be propping up her husband and doing–and saying–everything she can to justify returning him to the Oval Office in the next election.


The First Lady is on what is being called the “Seniors for Biden-Harris” tour. Now, I don’t know about you, but if I were a young voter, I’d be a bit worried. This tour seems to say the Biden campaign cares more about older Americans than it does anyone under retirement age. As someone who is no longer a “young” voter, it concerns me because I see Dr. Jill (and you have no idea how much it galls me every time I hear her referred in that manner, especially by her husband) trying to win over older voters not because Biden has a better grasp on the issues currently facing our country but because “he’s lived history“.

My first question for her is if he actually remembers it?

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