Boogie Man Alert: Biden Rips Into Potential Trump SCOTUS Picks at Ritzy Fundraiser

President Joe Biden ripped into the U.S. Supreme Court at a high-profile fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday night, calling Donald Trump’s ability to nominate more justices to the bench “one of the scariest parts” of a potential second Trump term.

Biden predicted that the “next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees,” and if Trump is elected, “he’s going to appoint two more [justices] flying flags upside down,” according to pooled reporters in the room. That’s a reference to Justice Samuel Alito, who has drawn backlash for two controversial flags flown at his homes.

“This has never been a court that’s so far out of step,” Biden said at the star-studded fundraiser.


Alito was not appointed by Trump, but the former president did nominate three other conservative justices to the bench who helped to overturn Roe v. Wade in June 2022. Reproductive freedom is a central theme of Biden’s reelection campaign. Biden also referred to Justice Clarence Thomas’ arguing that the court “should reconsider” its past rulings codifying contraception and same-sex rulings, according to pool reports.

Beege Welborn

All I can think is, "I was voting for him already - you don't have to sell it to me!"

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