How to Stop the 'Far Right'

The predictable success of so-called "far right" parties in elections across Europe in recent days–combined with the Reform Party leapfrogging the Tories in the latest polls–has, naturally, produced a glut of hyperventilating commentary from the world's media led, as usual, by The Guardian.


It would be tempting, understandable and mostly correct to dismiss this reaction as a coping mechanism our elites use to process the rebellion of the ordinary man against their policies. Mass immigration, an obsession with “multiculti utopia”, failure to ensure order and enforce the law, and all the other forms of extreme behaviour that are never described as such. 

Having attempted to suppress dissent against their "progressive" agenda through a combination of overt censorship and political correctness, those who control the media narrative have created a situation where the allegations they so readily level at their fellow citizens are no longer taken seriously by a significant portion of the public. While they spent the last week mocking this man for claiming that accusations of racism have become "boring", what they failed to realise is that a significant and growing portion of the public agree with him privately, even if they're not as willing as he is to say so publicly.

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