Trump Endorses Hogan in Maryland's US Senate Race

Former President Donald Trump has endorsed Republican Larry Hogan in his bid to represent Maryland in the U.S. Senate bid.

"I'd like to see him win," Trump told Fox News during a trip Thursday to Washington, D.C. "I think he has a good chance to win. I would like to see him win.

"And we've got to take the majority. We have to straighten out our country ... I know other people made some strong statements, but I can just say from my standpoint, I'm about the party and I'm about the country. And I would like to see him win."


Karen Townsend

This story makes me giggle. Larry Hogan is one of the original Never Trumpers. He's been all high and mighty about his disgust with Trump for years. Trump's endorsement must have lit his hair on fire. Oh, wait..

Hogan has been running as he did in previous races - as a moderate to liberal Republican in a very blue state. He wants as far away from Trump as he can get.

Trump wants to win and he wants a Republican majority in the Senate. Of course, he wants Hogan to win and flip the seat to a Republican one. 

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