It's Good to Be King ... Of X ... Allegedly

She is one of several female employees at SpaceX who have told friends, family, or the company itself, that Musk showed them an unusual amount of attention or pursued them. ...


Former SpaceX executives, as well as fired SpaceX employees who complained to the National Labor Relations Board in 2022, say a high-level group around Musk fails to apply his company’s own rules to the CEO, contributing to a culture of sexism and harassment.

They say there’s an understanding that Musk, a charismatic leader with many fans who call him a genius, can act with impunity. “Elon is SpaceX, and SpaceX is Elon,” one former engineer recalled an executive saying during a June 2022 meeting after the firings of some of the SpaceX employees, who had criticized Musk and demanded greater accountability at the company.

Ed Morrissey

The first woman whose story the WSJ highlights denies that abuse or harassment took place. Other women tell a different story. How much of this is on the level? YMMV, but one has to wonder how much attention any of this would get if Musk wasn't using Twitter/X to defy the "misinformation" censorship regimes in the US and Europe. 

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