Can Restaurants Ban Children and Young Adults?

So in May, when they opened Bliss Caribbean Restaurant in St. Louis County, Mo., the couple decided to give their customers the same joy — by requiring that all female customers be at least 30 years old, and all men 35.

“We decided to come up with a whole restaurant where adults could pretty much go on vacation for a fraction of the cost,” Mr. Pate said.

This rule has drawn widespread attention to Bliss through social media, resulting in packed dance parties and what the restaurant calls a “grown and sexy” vibe.


But the requirement has also raised some legal questions, as experts point out that the restaurant is treating men and women differently.

Ed Morrissey

I'd guess that it's illegal generally to exclude adults, although perhaps not children. It would also be illegal to have different access policies for men and women, and I'm not terribly clear on the purpose of the differing age restrictions. The NYT does mention that issue, among others. 

However, I also wonder if the restaurant could turn itself into a club with membership prerequisites of being over a certain age. Those would still have to treat men and women equally to pass muster, but becoming a 'supper club' might make it easier to impose a 30-year-old threshold for service. 

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