You Can Now Be Canceled For Making Trans People Cry

Comedian Rob Schneider was reportedly removed from the stage of a fundraising event for a charity after he made jokes about vaccines and transgender people, which offended audience members.


Schneider was allegedly asked to end his set early during an event for the Hospitals of Regina Foundation in Saskatchewan, Canada, at a Four Seasons hotel.

The comic's jokes and commentary apparently offended several audience members, with one person in attendance claiming that Schneider's words even made some audience members cry.

"I really felt strongly after seeing many people ... some were in tears, some were incredibly upset, people were leaving the room, that I just said to myself [that] I can't sit by and do nothing," said attendee Tynan Allan. Schneider was saying things that were "very anti-vaccinations" and "very against trans folks," Allan told CBC News, Canada's state broadcaster.

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