Stop Saying Florida Isn’t Safe for Gay People

DeSantis and co. are fighting a culture war—but it takes two to tango. LGBT activist groups like the Human Rights Campaign are using the same tactics: DeSantis runs off fear, the media runs off fear, and so do NGOs. All of them benefit from an alternative reality where people like me are living in terror. Pretending that gay and trans people are less resilient than we actually are is both insulting and dangerous—if you tell people to panic, it’s more likely they will. 


The truth is, I’m openly gay and have lived in Florida for nine years, and I’ve never once experienced overt homophobia. Okay, fine, I was called a [f****t] a few years ago in traffic. But in that lady’s defense, I did cut her off.

Other than that, Florida is a gay paradise. The taxes are low, the weather is great, and the people are hot. At my local haunt, the tab is never more than $40 and they let you blast cigarettes inside. Gay bars in New York will charge you 18 bucks for a gin and tonic. That’s what real oppression looks like.

Ed Morrissey

This is worth reading in full. Page isn't a DeSantis fan, clearly, but also clarifies what DeSantis (and the state legislature) has actually done, rather than what progressive activists claim. He also points out that the transgender activism in Florida has made gays and lesbians uncomfortable, for some of the same reasons as the rest of us and others that Page explains pretty well. 

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