The Israeli Hostage Rescue and Lethal Journalism

Journalism has become “lethal” to Jews and to Israel – and even to Palestinians, to the extent that it gives Hamas a pass for purposely sheltering among them in order to maximize their deaths, stealing from them, indoctrinating them, and often directly murdering them as well. ...


And the august BBC has a brilliant question – why didn’t Israel warn the Gazans about the rescue operation? You cannot make this stuff up, but the BBC reporter can:

Among other things – in the gunfight that ensued, it is highly possible not only that many of the dead (most?) were Hamas gunman, but that many of the actual civilians killed (whatever the number) were killed by Hamas shooters, having been caught in the crossfire. We simply don’t know and cannot know at this point, but that doesn’t stop the press from reporting the numbers of people supposedly killed by Israel according to Hamas, and often featuring those numbers in headlines without challenging their veracity.

Ed Morrissey

This is war, not law enforcement. The Gazans started the war on October 7 and have been trying to provoke this war since Israel ended its occupation of Gaza in 2005. 'Civilians' that hold and enslave kidnapped Israelis, and 'civilians' that fire on Israeli forces, become 'combatants' by definition. 

If the Gazans want to end the war, then they have two choices: win it or capitulate. Only capitulation will end the bloodshed, though. 

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