'More Than Fair to Ask' If Biden Should Drop Out: Nate Silver

Biden’s approval rating hit an all-time low in recent days, according to FiveThirtyEight‘s average of polls, as the president now has a 37.6% approval rating. The downward trend for Biden prompted Silver to post on X on Monday that the 81-year-old president dropping out of the race is worth discussing — even if, at this point, it “would be a big risk” for Democrats.


“But there’s some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk,” he added. “Are we there yet? I don’t know. But it’s more than fair to ask.”

“If I’d told you 10 years ago a president would seek re-election at 81 despite a supermajority of Americans having concerns about his age, and then we’d hit 8% inflation for 2 years, you wouldn’t be surprised he was an underdog for reelection. You’d be surprised it was even close!” Silver wrote.

Ed Morrissey

We've been asking all along, but two problems Democrats have -- among them, anyway -- is who would replace him, and how. The time to push Biden out of the way was in January, when voters could make that decision. If Biden withdrew now, the party's operatives would have to appoint his replacement, and that means either Kamala Harris or a progressive meltdown. And Harris' numbers are worse than Biden's. 

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