Stunning, Brave: Ex-DNI Clapper Will NOT Repudiate BS Letter About Hunter's Laptop

Former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper says he would not retract the letter he signed about first son Hunter Biden's laptop. 

In 2020, Clapper along with 51 other officials signed a letter saying that Hunter Biden's "laptop from hell" was Russian disinformation. 


When Clapper recently was asked if he would retract the letter he signed, he told Fox News in a one word answer, "no."

The infamous laptop story that was originally perceived by media outlets as "Russian disinformation" was resurrected during Hunter's gun trial.

Beege Welborn

This clown, Brennan, the other malevolent turds who signed knowing what they were doing was a lie?

They all need to have every last security clearance stripped and this is a perfect case for legal lawfare against bad actors of the worst sort. They've lied to Congress, used their positions and the information fed to them for malicious and subversive purposes, and it's all documented and easily provable.

Trump is NUTS if he's elected and doesn't hammer this vicious, anti-American cabal at the CIA, NSA, FBI, etc into the ground and grind it to dust.

It's not just for his vengeance, either - it's for all of our sakes.

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