Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Lizard: 9th Circuit Says Meta Has No Section 230 Shield in Scam Ads Lawsuit

...“To the extent that Meta manifested its intent to be legally obligated to ’take appropriate action' to combat scam advertisements, it became bound by a contractual duty separate from its status as a publisher. We thus hold that Meta’s duty arising from its promise to moderate third-party advertisements is unrelated to Meta’s publisher status, and § 230(c)(1) does not apply to plaintiffs’ contract claims,” - Judge Ryan Nelson Zuckerberg's team tried to argue that Section 230 immunizes them from liability but the judges rejected that by simply stating that Zuckerberg is legally bound by his own terms of service to remove scam ads. Each user basically signs a contract with Meta when they create their account and it specifically states, "we [Meta] will take appropriate action' to combat scam advertisements"

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