The MSM 'Mom He Will Hit Me Back' Award Goes To ...

When a leading Post critic of Trump concedes that reasonable people can think justice wasn’t done in the New York hush-money trial, you can be pretty sure that justice wasn’t done and that, in fact, the case was garbage.


But [Ruth] Marcus has an ulterior motive for this concession. She’s clearing the way for an attack on those who, as a result of the obvious injustice of the New York prosecution and verdict, want revenge-prosecutions of Democrats.

Marcus understands what many Democrats don’t seem to grasp (or just don’t worry about) — that when they discard norms, Republicans are likely to respond in kind.

Ed Morrissey

This is why it's so dangerous to violate the norms and the rules. One side starts it by claiming to be dealing with something "unprecedented," and then complains when the other side uses their precedent. See: Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and the nuclear option. 

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