Islamists Keep Stabbing People. Why Aren’t We Talking About It?

The reluctance to call the attackers what they are, or the jump to shift the blame for the attack to their victims, is how right-thinkers insert some cognitive space between themselves and those with unpopular opinions.


And so the right-thinkers let it pass, shrug it off, scroll to the next headline. Privately, perhaps in bed next to their spouses, they wonder: What are we going to do? 

Waking up to that battle—to say nothing of fighting it—will not be so easy. Europe has been in a kind of postwar stupor for nearly eight decades, and even today the people in charge seem to have trouble mustering a great deal of energy when it comes to defending their national interests or, more broadly, those of the West. 

Salwan Momika, an Iraqi refugee in Sweden who was raised as a Christian and has taken to burning Qurans in public, articulated the views of who knows how many when he tweeted Tuesday: “As an atheist, I must be realistic and believe that the West must return to its Christian roots so that it can fight the project of Islamizing the West.”

Ed Morrissey

And herein does Savodnik answer his own question. The "right thinkers," ie, progressive elites in Europe and in the US, do not believe the West is worth saving. They welcome those who will contribute to their nihilistic project of tearing down Western civilization in the suicidal effort to atone for its sins while allowing far more brutal regimes to seize or emerge in Western spaces. 

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