Biden’s Sad Echo at Pointe du Hoc

The New York Times wrote that Biden’s speech sought “to Echo Reagan’s Legacy of Leadership”. If it did echo anything, it was a sad echo.

Before writing this, I watched Reagan give his “Boys of Pointe du Hoc” speech. You couldn’t ask for a better backdrop. Pointe du Hoc overlooks Omaha and Utah Beaches from a 100 foot cliff on the English Channel. As Reagan walked to the podium with the dignitaries a military band played. The veterans of the battle sat in two lines across from each other on either side of the stage. Reagan returned the salute of those veterans and began to speak. Measured and respectful. There is a reason Reagan was called the “Great Communicator”.


Joe attempted the echo with the same backdrop. Unfortunately for Joe, his speech writer is Jon Meacham, not Peggy Noonan.

Ed Morrissey

Karen will have more thoughts on this tomorrow. 

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