On Jerusalem Day, Remember: The Temple Mount is Jewish

Today is Jerusalem Day (יום ירושלים‎ Yom Yerushaláyim), which celebrates the reunification of East and West Jerusalem during the six-day war. It’s a national holiday in Israel, and much of the world celebrates the fulfillment of 1,900 years of prayer. While the holiday celebrates the reunification of the entire city of Jerusalem, I will be discussing my favorite part of the city area around the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount is the holiest place in the world for Jews, and their holy scriptures recognize that it is Jewish. ...


During the period of 135 CE through 1948 (when Jordan began to occupy Jerusalem), there were large populations of Jews in Jerusalem. In fact, starting with the earliest information available (1844), there were more Jews in Jerusalem than people of any other faith.

Ed Morrissey

This is a comprehensive explainer, worth reading in full. 

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