NY Times Will Let You Know if You Need a Gun

Leave it to those reporters at The New York Times to be ever-thinking about ways to keep their readers informed and involved. The Old Gray Lady published an online, interactive tool to demonstrate to readers how important self-defense is, especially in the home.


The New York Times published an article headlined, “This Is How Close We Live to Gun Violence.” The article showed the in-depth work by the Times’ researchers to map every homicide committed by a murderer criminally misusing a firearm in the United States since 2020. The Times drew a quarter-mile circle around each crime scene to then estimate how many people lived near those horrendous crimes.

The New York Times calculated that 47 million Americans – 8.7 million more than pre-pandemic – live within a quarter mile of these crime scenes. The report didn’t account for the spike in criminal activity during and post-pandemic and it didn’t overlay the “Defund the Police” policies by progressive politicians and prosecutors to go soft-on-crime. It did, however, provide a convenient list of the cities with the staggering percentages of those who live close to a murder scene.

Narrative Before Facts

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