Hamas on Latest Ceasefire: Nope

Hamas has just rejected the latest Israeli ceasefire proposal and cites that the proposal is not what Joe Biden claimed it was last Friday.

Biden had claimed the proposal would lead to a permanent ceasefire and that is what Hamas wanted.


But Netanyahu made clear the other day, without giving specifics, that a permanent ceasefire is not on the table and that Biden misrepresented it.

Israel War Room adds more detail:

Hamas official Osama Hamdan reiterated today that Hamas will not agree to any deal that does not guarantee a permanent ceasefire and full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. Hamdan says the current proposal doesn’t meet those conditions and claims that the proposal is not consistent with what President Biden described in his speech on Friday regarding a permanent ceasefire and IDF withdrawal.

Meanwhile, CIA director Bill Burns is in Doha and top White House Middle East advisor Brett McGurk is in Cairo to try to push the deal forward. White House national security advisor Jake Sullivan says the deal is still alive and they are waiting for an official response from Hamas, which will be delivered via Qatar.

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