This Prosecution Would Have Made Stalin Blush

Bragg went a dangerous step further than Stalin ever did: he made up a crime.

He found a misdemeanor that was past the statute of limitations — making a false bookkeeping entry on a corporate form — and magically converted it to a felony that was within the limitation period by alleging that the false entry was intended to cover up another crime.


Throughout the trial, many people inferred that crime to be an alleged attempt at election interference. But Bragg never actually explicitly stated that.

In fact, the prosecution didn't tell the court what Trump's other 'crimes' were until their closing arguments on Wednesday – by which point the defense had no opportunity to respond.

Ed Morrissey

As promised! Professor Dershowitz has consistently laid out these same arguments during the trial, and before the trial, for that matter. Be sure to read it all, though, as it will serve as a good reminder for what's at stake in the appeals, and in the election. 

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