‘Get Trump’ Is Backfiring Already -- Bigly

“Convicted felon” will now be added to the Democrat media machine’s mandatory list of Donald Trump descriptors — indeed, that was the sole point of the sorry exercise. Today’s headlines are titillating only for those immune to geopolitical fact: that incarcerating opposition figures is the proud trademark of failed states. Or was, until May 30th, 2024.


Titillating or not, it’s also backfiring. Bigly. ....

It’s safe to say that Trump has won himself a new squadron of deplorables who won’t take November lying down.

Ed Morrissey

Will that impulse last? We'll see, but this may be a Road to Damascus moment among the non-Left about the real nature of the progressive elite. If so, then this may have been a relatively benign catalyst for Americans to bring America back. 

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