BREAKING: Texas Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to State Abortion Ban

The Texas Supreme Court has ruled against the more-than-20 Texas women who sued the state over abortions they said were delayed or denied during medical emergencies because of the state’s bans on the procedure.


The justices unanimously struck down a lower court’s decision that would have exempted any Texan with a complicated pregnancy from the bans. Texas law already permits a life-saving abortion when a woman is at risk of death or significant physical harm, the state supreme court opined, and the trial court’s injunction “departed from the law as written without constitutional justification.”

Ed Morrissey

It's a bit more nuanced, but essentially says that the women involved needed more firm diagnoses from their doctors to invoke the risk-to-life exemption. That exemption does exist, and the court ruled that it's not up to them to define or change its parameters. 

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