'Inconceivable ... A Very Political Exercise'


“It’s a historic trial of a former president of the United States by his partisan adversaries. Whatever you think of the results, it’s inconceivable in New York that anyone else other than Donald Trump would ever have been indicted in this way by Alvin Bragg, the elected progressive democratic district attorney who campaigned on the fact that he would go after Donald Trump, that he had a history of going after Donald Trump,” McCarthy said. “This is a very political exercise.”

“And you have to say that it accomplished what it set out to accomplish. What they wanted was to have a situation where they could call Donald Trump a convicted felon in the run-up to the election,” he continued. “We have an elected Democrat who got that accomplished. He got a very friendly judge, who ruled his way on every important thing, and turned the jury instructions into a road map to conviction. So now I assume with the mission having been accomplished, we’ll have more procedural regularity … as you just said, there will be a pre-sentence investigation. There should be a sentencing scheduled and we will go from there. But this case will be appealed, and I hope there’ll be more fairness and equity than there was in the trial.”


Ed Morrissey

I share Andy McCarthy's disgust at the trial and its outcome. But I also think he's correct that this case now moves outside of Manhattan, to Albany and Washington DC, where we can expect more integrity in the process. 

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