This Is a Terrifying Argument

Bedrooms are part of a single unit, regardless of how many there are. A 12-bedroom home is still just one house while a 12-unit apartment building with each apartment having just one bedroom is a very different animal. After all, a house is about more than where you rest your head. It includes bathrooms, kitchens, and living rooms.


So why would you count bedrooms instead of houses, then claim the country has all the housing it needs?

Well, that’s a good question, and the answer is troubling, to say the least.

Ed Morrissey

The answer is redistribution. Activists in the UK want to give the government the authority to redistribute bedrooms to solve a housing shortage. Tom goes on at length to discuss all of the ways that this reasoning is dangerous, but at its core is the Marxist assumption that private property is illegitimate and that all property belongs to the State for redistribution for its own ends. 

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