How Does the Pope Really Feel About Gay Rights?

However, far from a mistake by an elderly pontiff, the incident may well be part of a confusing yet consistent strategy. By signaling in the crudest terms his intention to stick with Catholic doctrine on sexuality, Pope Francis appeases church leaders who were taken aback when he opened up the possibility of blessings for same-sex couples in December. The doctrinal declaration Fiducia Supplicans sparked an irate reaction, especially from bishops in Africa, where the church is growing fastest. At the time, 11 African bishops issued a statement saying that blessing homosexual unions “would be in direct contradiction to the cultural ethos of African communities.”


One Italian bishop who attended the Vatican meeting on May 20 reportedly asked Pope Francis how to reconcile his warning against gays in the church and his new Fiducia Supplicans policy. “It’s just a blessing of not even twenty seconds that you don’t deny anyone,” the Pope replied, according to the Italian newspaper Il Foglio, downplaying its significance. 

It’s not the first time Pope Francis has engaged in smoke and mirrors to mask his true position.

Ed Morrissey

Perhaps that works for a bishop, although I'd argue that the entirety of the ordained have a duty to clarity on church teachings. That's even more true of the Pope, whose office is predicated on that duty. It's literally Job One for any pontiff. 

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