Debate 'Collusion'? RFK Files FEC Complaint

In the complaint, which was addressed to FEC Acting General Counsel Lisa Stevenson, the Kennedy campaign alleges that the parties designed criteria "to result in the selection of certain pre-chosen participants, namely Biden and Trump, in a clear breach of federal campaign finance law."


Under FEC law, media broadcasters are required to use "pre-established" and "objective" criteria to determine debate eligibility for candidates. CNN is not permitted to pre-select candidates and debate hosts are not allowed to "use nomination by a particular political party as the sole objective criterion to determine whether to include a candidate in a debate."

Ed Morrissey

If nothing else, the Commission for Presidential Debates offered some screening of liability for such lawsuits, although they routinely got similar complaints from minor parties over debate exclusion. The last time I recall a general-election presidential debate that included an independent was 1996, when Ross Perot ran again (or it may have been in 1992 during his first run). It didn't result in Perot competing seriously for any Electoral College electors, and debates were taken more seriously back then too. I don't think RFK is missing much. 

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