What Trump's Attorneys Must Say in Closing Arguments

A classic closing pitch by lawyers is to use a physical object like a three-legged stool. If any leg is missing, the stool collapses.

In this case, the government needs to show that there was a falsification of business records, that the records were falsified to conceal another crime and that Donald Trump had the specific intent to use such “unlawful means” to influence the election.


Even a cursory review of the evidence shows this case does not have a leg to stand on.

Ed Morrissey

Start with the fact that the records weren't false in the first place. Todd Blanche got Michael Cohen to admit that he did perform quite a bit of legal work for Trump and his family under that $35,000 a month retainer arrangement, far more than he did for other clients that had paid him far more. This case should never reach the jury on that point alone. 

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