Dump Biden?

Speculation that the Democrats would dump Joe Biden from their 2024 ticket has been rife for a long time. For quite a while, I thought it was almost inevitable. Rasmussen finds that currently, most Democrats wouldn’t mind seeing Joe go:


In February, 48% of Democratic voters said they would approve of their party finding another candidate to replace Biden, but that number has now risen to 54%, including 25% of Democrats who would Strongly Approve of replacing Biden before the election.

The question was, “Would you approve or disapprove of Democrats finding another candidate to replace Joe Biden before the election in November?” It is remarkable that an incumbent president can be so weak in his own party.

Ed Morrissey

Read on for more of John's analysis, but the real problem is ... what's the alternative? In a scenario where Biden doesn't willingly withdraw, the only viable option for Dems is Kamala Harris. Only 17% of Dems want her as the alternative, though. 

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