Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Desecrate Memorial to *Real* Decolonizer

A group of pro-Iran and pro-Cuban dictatorship demonstrators gathered in Coral Gables on Sunday for a protest in support of Hamas terrorists and desecrated a bust of Jose Martí, the founding father of a free Cuba. The act was an insult to South Florida’s Cuban exile community and appeared an intentional provocation by supporters of the communist dictatorship in Havana.


Video from the incident show how the group was soon met by Cuban American residents, who confronted them and attempted to stop the desecration. ...

The mayor of Miami Lakes and candidate for Miami-Dade County mayor, Manny Cid, expressed his outrage over the despicable antisemitic act carried out by pro-communist and pro-terrorist demonstrators on X:

This is a slap in the face to the Cuban exile community and all Miami-Dade residents. José Martí had strong ties to the Jewish community and stood for universal human rights. His legacy firmly rejects the antisemitic bigotry espoused by these individuals.

Ed Morrissey

To paraphrase Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca, there are parts of Florida that I would advise the Hamasniks not to go. Anywhere near a memorial to Martí would be among them. And if police don't start intervening and enforcing the law, the local populace will start taking matters into their own hands -- especially in such precincts. 

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