Heh: Libertarians Reject RFK as Nominee

Despite urging from Trump for Libertarians to rally behind him, and RFK Jr.’s bid to be selected as the party’s nominee, Libertarians selected Chase Oliver, a former Georgia Senate hopeful whose candidacy helped push the contentious 2022 Georgia Senate election to a runoff, POLITICO reported. The Libertarian Party vote came after Trump spoke at the party’s convention on Saturday, asking Libertarians to support his bid for a second term in the White House. ...


Kennedy, who dropped out of the Democratic primary to run as an independent, also spoke at the Libertarian Party convention and was on the ballot for the nomination. He was eliminated in the first round of voting on Sunday after receiving just 2% of the vote from the delegates, The Hill reported.

Ed Morrissey

Trump warned that "only a FOOL" would vote for Kennedy as the Libertarian Party nominee. I guess they don't have too many fools, their party platform notwithstanding. Kennedy may have angered some potential supporters with his "I'll get back to you" response to having his name placed in nomination for the endorsement, but RFK is no Libertarian anyway. 

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