Biden DoJ Keeps Airing the Family Dirty Laundry

Details of the turmoil in Joe Biden's famously-insular family keep being made public by the president's own Justice Department.

Why it matters: Some legal experts argue that the level of personal details in the filings ahead of Hunter Biden's criminal trials are meant to embarrass rather than prosecute, a feeling shared by many people close to the president's family.


  • The revelations are particularly painful for a family that prefers family matters to be guarded and can quickly exit people who break the code.
  • Hunter's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle wrote in her 2022 memoir when instructing her mother not to reveal that Beau Biden was sick: "After twenty years with the Bidens, I knew that everything in the family was meant to stay private."

Beege Welborn

Almost like they want to get rid of him or something.

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