Another Trump 'Firestorm' Goes Poof

The phrase “unified Reich,” which appeared in a video posted by the Trump campaign and caused a firestorm of controversy, appears to have originated as placeholder text in a collection of video templates created in 2023 by a 30-year-old Turkish freelance graphic designer.


The video, posted and subsequently removed by the Trump campaign earlier this week, included imagined headlines that newspapers might run if former President Donald Trump is reelected. Among them: “What’s next for America,” under which the fictional article displays language that many associate with Nazi Germany, including the phrase, “creation of a unified Reich.”

The reference was condemned by President Joe Biden, and the Trump campaign said it didn’t create the video – it was reposted by a staffer who didn’t see that particular text.

Bizarrely, the fake article’s text appears to trace its origins to a graphic designer named Enes Şimşek who lives near Istanbul.

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