Why Reward Terrorism With Statehood?

The Daily Mail article calls this father-son pair “evil,” and they certainly are that. But they are not isolated sociopaths like Ariel Castro (remember him, the Ohio man who kidnapped teenagers and kept them as his tortured sexual slaves for many years?). They may indeed be sociopaths or psychopaths (the difference has never been totally clear to me), but they are certainly not isolated. Their violence has been carefully nurtured by a government and a society that encourages and rewards it. They are adherents of a branch of Islam that allows this for infidel women; thus, the Islamic prayers.


And there are very many people like them in Palestinian society. This is a huge problem, and 2 states will not solve it. The Palestinians plan to use their state to destroy Israel, and any government that recognizes that state is rewarding this sort of rape, torture, and murder – even as they mouth words of “peace.”

Ed Morrissey

Because standing up to evil means taking risks in the short term, while appeasing evil means taking risks in the long term, usually at a point when appeasers are no longer around to be held accountable. And that cowardice is the charitable explanation. 

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