The "Reagan" Trailer Actually Looks Promising

Remember leadership?

It’s in short supply of late, with politicians clinging to polls and special interests to make decisions. Some threaten with the might of a nation while lesser countries do as they please.


β€œReagan” hails from another era.

Ed Morrissey

Yes, it does! I love Dennis Quaid's work, and he seems pretty uniquely cut out for this role. Penelope Ann Miller is a great choice as Nancy Reagan, too. I can't wait to see Lesley-Anne Down as Margaret Thatcher, too. But of course, the real coup here is casting Nick Searcy as James Baker. Because if I don't point out that the real coup here is casting Nick Searcy as James Baker, Nick Searcy will track me down and force me to do so. 

Kidding! I kid, I kid. Can't wait to see it, though, and that is the truth.

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