Pay Attention: How Schools Are Indoctrinating Your Kids With Porn

Decades of secularization and the incremental advance of radical neo-Marxist concepts on race, gender, and society have metastasized into a cancerous environment filled with progressive activists masquerading as teachers or sitting smugly as elected school board officials. In many parts of the nation, America’s schools now operate more like woke training camps than centers of learning.


The full scope of this ideological capture came into focus as parents and their children were forced into remote learning environments during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in greater exposure to the content being taught. It was this awakening that laid the groundwork for the initial righteous blow back that so many school boards and school systems have since received.

The Indoctrination

Below is just a small sampling of the type of perverse material and concepts being actively pushed on impressionable children in America’s schools over the past few years.

  • In North Carolina, an Asheville middle school kept sexually explicit pornographic books in its library, including It’s Perfectly Normal, which displays graphic cartoon depictions of sex acts between gay men and gay women.
  • In Pennsylvania, a Lancaster high school library made the book Identical available to its students over parents’ objections. The book contains graphic descriptions of incest, rape, and violent sexual assault.
  • In Colorado, a Steamboat Springs high school teacher taught a lesson on the poem “Howl,” which contains lewd language describing graphic sex acts. The teacher also made students analyze a song that talked about “sexting” teenagers for sexual favors.

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