Libertarians Host Donald Trump at National Convention -- For Fun and Profit

The nation's political eyes this weekend will be affixed on a spectacle that rarely attracts significant attention: the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C. But instead of coming to watch presidential candidates such as Lars Mapstead, Michael Rectenwald, Chase Oliver, and Mike ter Maat duke it out for the Libertarian Party (L.P.) nomination, journalists will be there primarily to see the presumptive nominee from the Republican Party: former President Donald Trump. ...


The move was controversial among L.P. members and candidates alike.

"I don't think that's good for the party," Chase Oliver says. "It makes it seem like we're the Republican J.V. team."

But the L.P. leadership faction that engineered the stunt, including National Chair Angela McArdle, counter that it has already reaped a nearly unprecedented amount of media attention, bolstering the finances of a party that for the past two years has been bleeding money and membership.  

Ed Morrissey

Huh? I could see this at some other kind of LP event as a means to raise funds and gain some media attention. But at their presidential nominating convention? Isn't the point of a nominating convention to promote your own nominee rather than one of your main opponents? Doherty calls it "pure cuckery," a term I despise but is nonetheless rather apt in this circumstance.

For Trump, this is obviously a big opportunity to woo libertarians and remind them of the need to defeat the real authoritarian in the White House. Expect him to make the most of it. 

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