Hunter's Sugar Bro the Spy Who Loved Me?

It is a testament to the level of bias in the mainstream media that this story is not the sole focus of every media outlet in America. Imagine if the CIA intervened to stop an investigation into a donor maintaining one of the Trump children and supporting his effort to blunt any investigation into corruption. MSNBC would make it ongoing special programming with its own time slot.


This is an agency that is supposed to avoid domestic interventions into politics as well as other areas. It is accused of pulling in a prosecutor to tell her to close part of a criminal investigation involving the financial supporter of the president’s son. Even if Morris was an asset, the question is why shut down the inquiry into his payments to Hunter Biden. The work of Morris with the CIA could be protected or redacted. Instead, the line of inquiry was shut off and Wolf reportedly left Langley with CIA swag and an empty bag of evidence.

Ed Morrissey

Maybe, but the true testament to mainstream-media bias was in the performative manner in which "news" outlets declared their refusal to cover the Hunter Biden laptop story in October 2020. The same media outlets that went nuts over the Steele dossier's compilation of bad gossip about "pee tapes" and Trump earlier sniffed that the laptop story was beneath their dignity and reportorial threshold. It's corruption, through and through, and it's not just at the CIA and DoJ.

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