BREAKING: ICJ Orders Israel to Halt War in Gaza

The provisional measures agreed upon the court were as follows: Reaffirming the provisional measures adopted Jan. 27 and March 28, Israel must halt its Rafah military operation, Israel must open the Rafah crossing for humanitarian aid, Israel must enable all UN inquiry commissions and fact-finding committees to access Gaza, and Israel must submit a report within one month of the measures that it is taking.


All measures were agreed upon in a vote of 13-2. The two votes against each measure were Julia Sebutinde, Uganda’s representative to the International Court of Justice, and Aharon Barak, former Israeli High Court President and Israel’s appointee to the ICJ Panel. ...

An Israeli government spokesman said on the eve of Friday's decision that "no power on Earth will stop Israel from protecting its citizens and going after Hamas in Gaza."

Ed Morrissey

Good luck with that. That and $5 will get you a latte at Starbucks. Let me know when the ICJ shows up with an army. 

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